Blog Archive

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mar 24 App Trail Update cont'd- I would have liked to have stayed at Charlie's Bunion longer but I was worried about time. I was able to have a great conversation with a family from Minnasota. Their kids were real troopers because that hike was not a walk in the park. I also meet a mother and daughter from Cashiers that were hiking and camping over her daughters spring break. I made it to Peck's Corner Shelter around 4:30 and found it empty. I was beginning to think I was going to have the place to myself and then my old hiking buddies- Loretta, Megan, and Jenny showed up. It was pretty awesome because I had not seen them since I left Hiawassee. I was disappointed to find out Dick, Jenn's dad, had to leave the trail because of some issues with his leg swelling. I understand he decided to go home, buy a dog, and start a garden. I wish him well. Two guys from NE Tenn I had
met about a week ago also showed up as well as glowworm, an ex-navy nuc sub guy.

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